Aleph Capital | About Us
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What we do

Aleph Capital is one of Europe’s largest fund managers focusing exclusively on investment in clean energy infrastructure. We raise long-term capital to invest in alternative power generation projects, such as wind farms, biomass power stations, solar parks and small-scale hydro power plants. Our carefully selected, risk managed investments deliver sustained performance and predictable returns over periods of 10 years or more.

Who we are

Our firm was founded by Eduardo Aguado and Alfonso Botin in 2000. We are a specialist, international team with huge collective experience in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy generation projects. The team has been working together since 2000, and has established a reputation for making intelligent, long-term investments that deliver absolute returns.

What we believe

Aleph Capital collaborates with investors and developers for the long term. We work together to form strong relationships, build portfolios of generation plant and create stable profitable businesses. Everything we do is guided by our four core values: Integrity, certainty, unity and performance.