Renewable energy shines for economy
ENERGY from renewable projects generated last year had a net benefit of R800m to the economy. This is according to the manager of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s...
ENERGY from renewable projects generated last year had a net benefit of R800m to the economy. This is according to the manager of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s...
STOCKHOLM — The growth of renewable energy outpaced that of fossil fuels in the electricity sector last year, with a record 135 gigawatts of capacity added from wind, solar, hydropower...
A new photo-voltaic panel funding scheme was today launched by the Health Ministry and the EU funds Ministry. In a statement, the government said that the scheme involves €15m in...
Fuente: PV-Magazine Latinoamerica | 20 Agosto 2014. Además del proyecto conjunto de Aleph Capital y Biofields, en la primera quincena de agosto ingresaron a evaluación ambiental otros dos proyectos que...
Fuente: El Economista | 19 Agosto 2014. La empresa Aleph Solar Fields, conformada por Aleph Capital y Biofields, proyecta una inversión de 500 millones de dólares en Sonora, Coahuila y...
Yet more solar “Made in Spain”. Madrid-based Solaria has followed on the heels of Spanish solar photovoltaic (PV) firms OPDE and FRV and announced the development of a new solar...
Solaria Energia y Medio Ambiente, S.A. has recently signed two funding agreements totalling 46.5 million euros to finance the construction of solar plants in Italy and the Czech Republic...
El fondo, que se denominará Fondo Solaria Aleph Generación, dispondrá de un patrimonio comprometido de 30 millones de euros que aplicará en las inversiones previstas en los tres próximos años,...